Light Of The World!

Hello there, world! I'm Yong Zhen Kheng a.k.a King! I'm a 24 young man who has given my life to God! I face plenty of challenges and mountains daily, but it is by the grace of God that I'm able to stand tall with His strength in such a world that we live in. "Light Of The World!" is the name of my blog. Because in such a dark world that we live in, everyone is looking for that something somewhere somehow to fill and satisfy their souls. And that is where the Word of God comes in, where love and hope are always present and living. God is the Light of the world, and my prayer is that we will go beyond the call of duty to show love to the people around us with the love that He has shown us - That they may know just how real and amazing our God is! This is what we're here for: To show the world how He love it. This is what we're made for: To lay it all down like He did :) Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! And He has chosen us to be the Light of the world, so come let us share the Good News with the world together! (:
>> Sincerely, a man on many missions.

Friday, April 19, 2019

In His Time

In His Time.

Being a youth pastor,
I get to experience the joy of sharing on special occasions like:
(Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas etc).

Therefore yesterday (19th Apr), I was invited to share on Good Friday.
As I stepped into the hall @ CBCLC Puchong Secondary,
My heart was beating fast because there were so many students.

About 75% and above are pre-believers,
And I had to convince them that they need Jesus.

The thing though, is that I am haunted by my past.
Out of the few alter calls that I have made,
Having people raising their hands is a rare commodity.

But I was hopeful and confident that God is in control.
And I shared what God has guided me to share.

During the alter call, I told the students:
"You may think you are here because you choose to be here,
You may think you are here because you were forced to come.
But I believe that you are here because God brought you here.
You are here, because God wants you to be here,
For such a time as this.

Today, may just be another day for another person.
Today, may just be another day for someone else.
But today, may also be the day that you receive Jesus into your heart,
For the very first time in your life.

Today, could be the day that you begin living your life with God.
Would you just raise your hands with me?"

And before my very own eyes, I witness a miracle.
15 students gave their lives to Jesus,
as they walk from earth into eternity.
15 souls have been added to heaven.
15 souls, that God cared for so much, have finally responded.
And I was so touched by the entire experience, even as I write this.

I am reminded through this experience,
That those who have sown the seeds into their hearts,
way before yesterday's event were the unsung heroes.
And I can only thank God that yesterday was His timing for the 15 students.
And I get the greatest privilege to witness it,
Before my very own eyes.

God has His timing,
And His timing is always the right timing.
We truly reap at a different time than we sow,
And all we have to do is just obey Him,
And leave the rest to His hands.

I can learn to lean on Him.
I can learn to trust Him.
Because He is still in control.

"Here in the waiting,
I won't worry about tomorrow.
No need to focus,
On the things I can't control."
- With You, Elevation Worship

Yesterday, may just be another day for another person.
Yesterday, may just be another day for someone else.
But yesterday, was also the day that I see 15 souls gave their life to Jesus,
Before my very own eyes,
For the very first time, in my life :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Reality Check

Reality Check.

It's not every day that you get admitted to the hospital.
Especially if it's an emergency situation you're caught in.
At least that's where I found myself to be two days ago.

It was on the 23rd October 2018 (Tuesday), roughly about 4.30pm.
I was having a short meeting with my Senior Pastor (Pr Reynold),
and we were conversing on many different topics.
Suddenly, I felt a little headache-y and uncomfortable.
So after Pr Reynold prayed for me, I went straight to my desk in office.

Sitting by my desk, I was just feeling so so uncomfortable.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being extremely painful - I was at a 8 in my head.
It also feels like a lot of wind wants to exit my body.
So I went straight to the toilet trying to release something but to no avail.

Went back to my desk and sat there a little longer.
The pain in my head then increased to a 9.9, and I went to the toilet.
I vomited out a lot of liquid and it smelled pretty bad.
Then I went for a meeting with another pastor (Pr Gordon) and a friend (Justin).

After the meeting, I went to the toilet and purged twice.
It was so so so uncomfortable.
As soon as the pain and tummy rumbles subsided,
I thought to myself how this could be the best moment to drive home.
And so, I did.

By the traffic junction in SS2, I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
When suddenly the 9.9 headache pain returned.
And a lot of wind wants to come out again.
I was panicking not sure what to do, and just screaming in pain.
I winded down the window, turned on my hazard lights,
and just tried to figure out a way to stop the pain.

Suddenly, both my hands became numb, and it became cold.
I couldn't feel blood in both my hands.

I started praying and asking Jesus to save me and help me.
I really really really didn't wanted to die.
And I had no idea what was going on in my body.

So I stopped by BHP petrol station with my hazards lights still on.
Went down the car, and sat in front of the cashier outside the station.
A male petrol attendant asked me what's happening,
and I told him that I couldn't feel my hands, there was no blood in it.
Worse off, now I couldn't feel my feet.
My feet was also becoming numb and very cold.
I asked him for help.
But instead, he said he needed to attend to a customer first.

Then that particular customer came running to me.
Her name was Nadia, she was a very kind malay lady.
Apparently it was her daughter's birthday.
And her 2 children was in her car at the backseat.

She requested to bring me to the hospital.
Then 2 male petrol attendants carried me into her car.
One of the male petrol attendant grabbed a bottle of water for me.
He told me not to worry about paying for it, he will handle it.

And so Nadia started to drive me on a long journey to the hospital.
She turned her hazard lights on and started honking along the way.
Some cars gave way, some totally didn't bother.
A motorist also came by to help honk to make way for us.

Along the way, Nadia drove her car off-road for a faster passage.
She went through a really big hole and her car was damaged underneath.
Keep in mind that my head was still on a 9.9 pain level over 10.
I apologized to her for her car, and she said:
"Don't worry! My car can fix, your body cannot fix!"

After a long drive, we arrive at University Hospital.
I was supposed to be admitted to the emergency ward,
but the nurses said I have to register first.

A male nurse attended to me to check my heart rate.
As he put me on a small bed, the first question he asked me was:
"Ini ada kaitan dengan syaitan tak?"
(Translate from malay): Does this have any relation to demons?
I replied no, definitely not.
Then he continued his job to check my heart pulse.
He asked me what was my occupation?
I told him I'm a pastor.
And he replied he's just checking if I'm in a heavy-duty line of work.
And then no more questions were asked.

Thereafter, I purged 2 more times in the hospital.
And after many many minutes, I was sent into the emergency ward.
This was the same ward that I was operated 11 years ago.
I had a condition back then: "Haemo-Pneumo-Thorax".
But this time, it was different.
It was like I was prepared for whatever coming my way,
but still didn't really wanted to die.

As they placed me on the hospital bed,
the first female nurse asked me the same question again:
"Ini ada kaitan dengan syaitan tak?"
(Translate from malay): Does this have any relation to demons?
I said no once again.
And then she proceed the blood test and checked my pupils.

Then a chinese doctor (Rika or something) came in.
She asked me a series of questions to diagnose the situation.
Then the purging and vomiting symptoms went away.
My headache pain also subsided from 9.9 to 5,

I was given a painkiller jab by my butt,
and was also asked to just rest on the bed for awhile.

After a while, I was sent to do CT scan on my brain.
This was done just to check if I have any brain bleeding.
I was also sent to do X-Ray scan on my chest.
They wanted to make sure if my previous condition had any relation to this.

After a couple of hours, a few people visited me including my family.
The reports of the scans also showed excellent results.
Everything was fine, nothing was abnormal.
And the doctors asked me to rest until 7.00am in the ward.

When I came out in the morning after discharging from the ward,
somehow it made me treasure my life even more.

I remember when I was lying on the hospital bed so helpless,
I hated that feeling. The feeling of being so helpless.
There was nothing I could do, except praying and asking Jesus to help me.
Worse off, my life was kind of also in the hands of the doctors.
And I couldn't stop the headache pain that was going on.

The doctors told me the vomit and purging could be due to food poisoning.
But the headache, they can't figure that out.
This could be a spiritual attack, but I can't say for sure.
Why would the hospital staff even ask me about demons?
Or maybe the pain was a reaction to the tummy complications.
Either way, it has encouraged me to continue devoting my time to God!
It sure is a night to remember :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Child-like Faith

A child-like faith.

That was what I witnessed in front of my eyes when my little brother (Shawn)
went up to a Malay family and asked the grandma on the wheelchair: "Are you okay?"

I wanted to pull him away so that we don't disturb the family,
but somehow something prompted me to just let my little brother greet them.

He approached the nanny on the wheelchair and asked, "Are you okay?"
The family members replied yes she was okay.

He asked one more time, "Are you okay?"
They reaffirmed him that she was all good.

Then my little brother asked for their names and they gave him their names.

After every family members gave him their names,
he then proceeded with something that shook my world and opened my eyes.

Seeing the nanny on the wheelchair and her entire family standing around her,
my little brother said to her,
"Pastor Reynold (My church pastor), pray, Jesus Christ, healing. You, running."

The family was trying to understand what he said as his speech wasn't clear to them,
but I could listen and understand very well.

He repeated the same thing the second time,
"Pastor Reynold, pray, Jesus Christ, healing. You, running."

Then he used his finger to spell the name on the guy's shoulder.
With his finger, he wrote each letter and spoke each letter out:
"C - H - R - I - S - T" then he exclaimed with a loud voice the entire name: "CHRIST!"

He was so confident that Jesus Christ is their solution.

I wanted to clarify to the Malay family what he said,
but I wasn't courageous enough to tell them what he said since they were malays.
I knew they heard the name of Christ through my little brother though.

So I encouraged my brother to get going and we left that family.

On my way up the lift, it was just my little brother and I standing there.
The scene continued to replay in my mind.
What on planet earth did I just witnessed in front of me?

Here's my little brother, seeing a nanny in the wheelchair.
Understanding that probably she was unable to walk.
So he decided to ask her if she was okay, knowing very well that she wasn't.
And then he simply tells her what he understands about God, saying that if we pray,
Jesus Christ will heal her and she will be running in no time again.

What I saw tonight was simply beautiful.
Something that I don't see anywhere in the world but through my little brother.

Maybe my little brother is an angel sent by God to minister to this Malay family.
That even a special child can grasp the love of Christ knowing that He heals.
And my job was just to simply translate and explain to the family what he was saying.
But I didn't and hope I don't make the same mistake out of fear again.

This has encouraged me to be more bold and courageous.
And I hope it encourages you too.

A child-like faith.

"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God
like a little child will never enter it."
[Luke 18:17]

Monday, May 26, 2014

I choose Jesus, the One who first chose me

God searches our hearts.
He knows the ones that honors Him, and the ones that takes His grace for granted
He knows the ones that are hurting, and the ones that are rejoicing.
He knows the ones that are pursuing righteousness, and those dwelling in sin.

When life doesn't go the way we thought it should go
When plans fall apart even though we never dream they would fall apart
Sometimes it's because - God is good

We have so many plans in life.
And we have already asked God to guide and lead us through all these plans of ours.
Some of us have seen many of these plans forming the way we'd like them to be.
And then there are the plans that are close to our hearts.
The ones that we treasure a lot and and gave so much heart towards
But somehow things seems to be falling apart.


Where is God in all these?

I believe God wants us to have a new perspective this year.
See, we have already asked God to guide and lead us everyday.
And if He leads you to something beautiful,
and then leads you away from that something beautiful.

Isn't He still leading you?

Isn't He still the one that has been, still is and will always open doors for you?
Our God is a promise maker, and a promise keeper
He is the most faithful person you will ever find in the entire universe
And when He says He's got good plans for you,

You may often feel disappointed, hurt, in confusion
and you may have a million of questions to ask God.

But know this:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
[Isaiah 55:8-9]

We may never understand His plan at this moment, but I believe someday down the road when you look back at this day you're going to realize He's been leading you all these while. He's been giving you the best instead of second best.

God is with us!
The Lord is fighting the battles for us!
So whom shall we fear?!
The One who created the ENTIRE WORLD - Thought and created you for a purpose.
So let's stand unashamed with confidence and humility, trusting in One Name
Cause we all here have seen the cross and we believe in the power of the Cross.
This choice comes at a cost, so count all other things as lost
No other love could mean so much to us

I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus
Because He chose me first

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
[Psalm 34:18]

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
[Psalm 139:23-24]

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
[Proverbs 3:5-6]

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
[Jeremiah 29:13]

"Blessed are those who hear the Word of the Lord and obey it"
[Luke 11:28]

Monday, November 25, 2013

If I Died Tonight, Where Would I Be?

I had a dream on the morning of 24th November 2013 (Sunday).

The dream began with me in a condominium, staying in my room somewhere.
A friend of mine Melissa Deng called me from overseas,
and we spoke for a really long time as she said she was there with her boyfriend.
Suddenly I saw opposite of me in the neighboring apartment,
there was a lot of people gathered.
And I saw a lot of cats and rats in their room,
they were all lining up as if they were waiting for something.
I decided to climb over into that apartment to find out what's going on,
at the same time constantly keeping on the phone with Melissa.
The moment I entered their apartment,
something scared all the cats and rats and they all ran away.
I woke up, not knowing what that meant,
I decided to just close my eyes for a few more minutes.

I woke up at 10am, and decided to sleep for a few more minutes.
All these occurred within the time until 10:39am.
Within seconds, the second dream occurred.

Here is the following of what happened in my second dream:
My older brother Daniel decided to fetch me to go somewhere.
We were driving along a really long road,
and ahead of me I thought I saw 4 rainbows,
but as we went nearer it was actually 4 cranes.
Soon I saw a bigger rainbow behind them.
Then we went up this hill road next to the ocean,
and I saw trees and seas and clouds that formed the wings and shape of Jesus,
then as we continue to drive upwards I saw the trees and clouds
they formed the shape of a lot of white horses riding on the ocean,
there were white riders riding on the horses.
Then after a while I saw dead logs floating in the sea,
and I saw there was fire on the grass by the side of the road we were driving.
As we reached the end of our destination, we got down the car.
My brother Daniel went close to a bush,
and was suddenly bitten by a poisonous snake.
He transformed into a turtle and was dying.
My mother suddenly appeared and she asked me to take a sharp stick,
I took a sharp stick and gave it to her.
She cut open his turtle shell and saw all the poison,
water and blood gushing out from his neck as he was bitten there.
She shook her head as there is no hope.
My brother requested for something, so I took for him a sharp object,
and he used that sharp object to kill himself.

I instantly woke up with a very strong fear in me.
I knew in my heart that he wasn't saved.
At the same time, I myself also will not be saved if I die now
and was accountable to God through all my actions I have done on earth.
I woke up feeling afraid and also it opened my eyes.

Therefore here is my question not only to me,
but to everyone who will ever read this:
If you died tonight, where would you be
Where would your soul spend eternity?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Whom Shall We Fear?

Whom Shall We Fear?
We know who goes before us,
We know who stands behind,
The God of angel armies,
Is always by our side!
Whom shall we fear?

In this fallen world that we live in,
There will troubles ahead of us in this life.
Some of us will struggle even as we strive for righteousness.
But when we do face challenges in our lives, always remember:
Instead of telling God how big our problems are;
Tell our problems how big our God is!

One of the most amazing thing that struck me,
Is just how patient God is with us.
He has been so patient with each and every one of us including me.
That no matter how many times I fall,
He will always pick me up again.
And when He picks me up, I'm much stronger than before.
No matter how far I've gone, no matter how much I try to put Him away,
He's always here in my heart, knocking on my door.

I am inspired to write this post today,
Because something happened to me yesterday night.
A supernatural event that filled me with the Holy Spirit.
My hair was standing and I was feeling the chills on my entire body.

It began as I was speaking to an amazing woman of God.
Other than getting to know more about her,
My mission was to impact, encourage, inspire and motivate her closer to God.
And while doing so, she also began to impact, encourage, inspire and motivate me.
She sent me a few Christian songs that has touched her life,
And as I began to listen.
So did tears began to fill my eyes.
I began crying, and just couldn't stop.
The songs were talking about His grace for us, and what a Savior He is!
That we need to live no more in shame, but in His love.
I recognize that there are certain dark patches in my life,
And until I get things right with Him, it will hinder my relationship with Him.

So on the 16th September 2013 (Monday),
I have decided with a heart full of conviction to pursue Him wholeheartedly.
And here I am on the next day writing this.
That our God, is a great God!
I have written a lot of things over the past years,
But the more I write about Him, the more I'm learning about Him!
As I'm walking with Him,
I'm learning what His grace really means to me.

If you know that you are far away from Him,
I encourage you to come back to Him.
His arms are open wide,
And He is waiting for you until you make that decision.

We do not need to worry about what's coming our way,
Because there's one thing we should know:
He crush our enemies underneath our feet,
He is our Sword and Shield, though troubles linger still
The God of angel armies,
Is always by our side!

Whom shall we fear?

"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?"
[Psalm 27:1]

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
[Psalm 23:4]

Let us choose this day, to serve Him with all our hearts (:

- As for me and my house, we will always serve the Lord -

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last 2 Fridays on the 10th of May 2013,
I experienced yet another near-death experience.
It was a very hot afternoon and I was on my bicycle
making my way back to my office in a residential area right after lunch.
Ahead of me was a right turn, but I had no vision of the other side of the turn.
Without hesitation, I cycled at an average speed and turned right.
Within a glimpse of an eye I see a car speeding directly at my way.
It was moving so quickly that my body froze for a few seconds.

There was only one thing that was going through my mind:
"I'm dead."
Based on both our speed, there was no way I would survive.
Turning right would result in me hitting a car,
And turning left would result in me getting hit by the car sideways.
It was a definite collision and I should be flying sky high with my bike.
But miraculously, he stepped on his brake pedal hard and so did I.
We stopped right on the dot and had a head-to-head collision.
I held on to my bike tightly with my hands as it jumped a little on impact.
My heart was beating so fast I couldn't even say a word.

The driver came down, touched his car, swore at me and drove away.
I didn't respond to him, but just try to get my mind around what just happened.
My bicycle chain was all tangled up and I had to bring it to the workshop.
At the end of the day, a friend of mine fetched me home with my bike in the car.

After a few days, I got over it.
It was just a normal mini-accident where I didn't get hurt.
On the following Sunday, I attended a basketball court to record videos.
When the game was over, I had a conversation with one of the players.
After sharing with him my incident about the accident,
He wanted to know more about me.
So I also shared with him my past near-death experiences that I have gone through.
After listening to my stories, he looked really surprised.
He told me I must have a purpose here in life;
That if I were to survive so many times in life, that's not normal.

People who gone through one near-death experience change a lot.
So I thought hard about my major past experiences:
I was the victim of a robbery,
I went through an operation consciously and awake with no pain-killers,
I almost got hit by a truck on the road once,
And now the bicycle incident that almost costed me my life.
I was sure and concluded: that if my life didn't go away just yet;
God must be holding me and telling me through all these experiences:
That He has something great stored for me in my upcoming future!

I know that regardless of what comes my way,
I can walk ahead confidently; Because He's got my back.

So let this be an encouragement for you:
"To appreciate, cherish and treasure every moment of your life"
And always hold on to God (:

- We all have a purpose in life -

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I believe faith is the key to many things, even despite circumstances.
Having faith doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have the road map.
It just means that you're trusting and believing without knowing.
To have faith in God, is to trust Him without knowing what's coming your way.

"By faith Abraham,
when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance,
obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."
[Hebrews 11:8]

Abraham had no idea where he was heading,
But he had faith that God would guide Him to the right place.
All God told Him was just that He will provide a nation for Him.
And with no road map, Abraham took that step of faith.

Sometimes having faith can be the most difficult thing.
Because it requires us to go beyond the natural things.
Remember the part where Abraham was called to sacrifice Isaac?
He obeyed because even though he may not understand God's plans,
He knows that he can always trust God.
But thankfully God stopped Abraham and saved his son in the nick of time.

Often at times when we take that step of faith,
Troubles and circumstances always seem to drown us so quickly.
But it is at these times where we should remind ourselves:
These are just tests of faith.
And with great faith, comes great doubts.
All the men of great faith in the Bible stumbled and doubted countless of times.
But they held on to His Word and managed to strive through the doubts.

Always remember that failure is not the end of the world.
Failure means you have learnt something,
And you have the chance to start all over again.
Failure doesn't mean that God has abandoned you;
It just means that God has a better idea for you (:

The Holy Experience

I would like to share my mini experience and some things that I've learned.

"The Holy Experience" is the camp hosted by the CBC Subang that I recently went!
It was a camp where many of my perspectives were put into place;
And a change was brought to my heart as well.

I don't know many people from CBC Subang, only a handful of people.
But not knowing that many people brought joy to my heart.
Why? Cause there were so many new people I could have conversations with.
There was so many new things I could learn from other people!
And at the same time, I'm given to opportunity to inspire people too!

It was really a fun camp as we all traveled to Fraser's Hill in a bus.
As we reached the campsite, we were put into 5 groups.
And within each group a captain was appointed.
By God's grace, I became the captain of my team and there began our journey!
Our group was named the "Low-Fat Wallflower"
(Woaaahhh what a great name!)
We hustled through games, exercises, sessions and devotions.
We trusted and worked with each other as we created our group chant and sketch!
By the end of the camp, we managed to achieve 3rd place.
But the most important thing is this:
We already won as a team in our hearts,
For we placed our trust in each other and worked together as a team!

On the way back in the bus, I shared my lung operation story.
It was amazing how it was able to inspire and encourage many people!
And it served as a reminder for me that God is with me!

The main purpose of me going to the camp was actually to have a God-encounter.
To hear what He has to say to me through the camp.
And true enough, He spoke to me and changed my perspectives.

Out of all the things that God spoke to me, 2 of them stood out the most:

Finding a partner with the right heart and values is very important.
Because as you embark on your adventure through your journey of life,
You'll find that your partner and you will rely on each other a lot.
Our speaker Reverend Koe spoke and shared about one of his experience.
Many many years ago, he and his girlfriend (Wife now) was in Singapore.
They were ready to depart to New Zealand,
When suddenly they lost all their important documents.
And just as Reverend Koe was about to take the easy way out,
To go back Malaysia and not go New Zealand,
His girlfriend hit him on his head and said,
"You of little faith! This is just a test for us!"
And true enough, a phone rang days later.
They managed to retrieve all the important documents back.
This story speaks loudly to me because it shows the values of the partner.
That when you are with a person who has the right heart and values,
He/she will be able to encourage you to pull through when you can't.
Therefore selecting your partner is a matter of wisdom.

The 90/10 principle. What does it mean?
We have no control over 10% of what happens to us in life,
But 90% of the rest are determined by our reaction towards it.
If someone accidentally spilled some milk onto my shirt,
I could either get really mad and bombard that person with critical words,
And give myself unnecessary stress at the same time which I don't need.
Or I could just forgive and remind that person to be more careful.
In every situation that we are faced,
How we react to it will determine how good or bad our day will be.
It's all in the mind, and there's always a battle going on in there!

The main theme verse of the camp is Jeremiah 29:13-14.
But I believe verse 11 and 12 is equally important.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
[Jeremiah 29:11-13]

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Breath Of Fresh Air

Hi there! Planet earth! Do you need a breath of fresh air?
Well, I've got just the perfect breath of fresh air for you!
But before that, I would like to share with you why I'm doing so (:

Let me begin:
God is good, and yes that's true.
His timing is always perfect, and He knows what he does.
Sometimes when you're at a crossroad, or circumstance in life;
God would give you rest, assurance and peace at the right time.
Sometimes it comes in a form of the Word, a gift, through time, or even a person.

For me at the current moment, it was through a person.
A person who has so much similar interests, passion and heart as mine.
A person that loves God and acknowledges how much God loves her too.
And a person that is pretty cool with my lil' brother!
That, is a rare find -> At least to me.
There are so many of her values that I admire,
And how I would spend more time knowing her.
As I fellowship with her, she tells me how I have encouraged her.
But what I didn't tell her, was how she encouraged me more than I did!
The moment she explained to me that God brought her out of her emotions,
That He rescued her and led her back to Him.
That He has become her number one priority in life,
And nothing nor any person could take His place.
And how she has learned from her past mistakes,
And is ready to conquer the next mountain in her life.
I almost cried and teared up because it was so amazing to hear her story.
It reminded me so much of many of my battles that God has delivered me from.
That through all my sorrows, struggles, mistakes and failures:
God never ceased to pull me back to Him.

Just as we shared our stories with each other,
both our stories merged and it is here I find:
How He captivated our broken hearts and showed us the depth of His love.
How He transformed our minds, and aligned every of our thoughts with His.
How He brought us from darkness to life.
And now for the both of us: We've found our purpose in life: To glorify God.
And we know that God is looking out for us!

At least we now know: We both exist!
And that: God's name was lifted high!

Therefore here's my shout-out to everyone in this galaxy:
God has created you for a purpose.
And to each and every one of us, He made each of us unique.
So let us take what He has given us, all the skills, gifts and talents;
To continue to impact and encourage the world!
And while doing so, we learn to show love and make time for the people around us!
Sometimes God brings certain people into your life at different points of your life,
Some to encourage you, some to speak with you,
Some to teach you and some to listen to you.
And a handful to spend a lifetime with you!
This life we have, has value, meaning and purpose.
This life that we have, is worth living!

I'm just like you - If you cut me, I will bleed.
I'll go hungry - If I don't have food to eat
We're not that different at all hey!
So let's step up and make our lives count!
To make it count: For Him!

God knows when your soul feels tired and weary,
When everything seems to be mundane and spinning in a circle.
God knows your heart's desires,
And all the silent prayers and tears you call out to Him when nobody is looking.
And it is here today that God wants you to know,
That He is still with you and will continue to guide you.
At every moment of your life, He will provide the right thing at the right time.

He, is the Breath of fresh air that I'm talking about.
The One that gives you amazing joy and peace.
The One that always wipe away all your tears and fight away all of your fears.
That in the midst of all your scars, hurt, pain and emotional prisons that you're in,
Always remember:
You're still alive, even though a part of you has died,
He  promises to take your heart, and bring it back to life!
No matter what we're in,
While we're in the middle of it,
We're gonna keep praising Him!
Because God is on our side, at all times!
And for that, we can march ahead with confidence and assurance at all times!

Press on hey (:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
[Matthew 11:28-30]

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
[Jeremiah 31:25]

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
[Proverbs 3:5-6]

- You're still alive, even though a part of you has died -
- He, is the Breath of fresh air that you need -