Light Of The World!

Hello there, world! I'm Yong Zhen Kheng a.k.a King! I'm a 24 young man who has given my life to God! I face plenty of challenges and mountains daily, but it is by the grace of God that I'm able to stand tall with His strength in such a world that we live in. "Light Of The World!" is the name of my blog. Because in such a dark world that we live in, everyone is looking for that something somewhere somehow to fill and satisfy their souls. And that is where the Word of God comes in, where love and hope are always present and living. God is the Light of the world, and my prayer is that we will go beyond the call of duty to show love to the people around us with the love that He has shown us - That they may know just how real and amazing our God is! This is what we're here for: To show the world how He love it. This is what we're made for: To lay it all down like He did :) Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! And He has chosen us to be the Light of the world, so come let us share the Good News with the world together! (:
>> Sincerely, a man on many missions.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

God Created Women And Invented Sex

Good day commanders of Christ! Today, I'm going to talk about women and sex as God's creation!

This post is especially for the men, men of all ages! But of course it's for women too! Yes, you know what I'm talking about!
To the men: I believe we all look for romance from a girl/lady/woman, and wants to be loved back. Well, here are some facts before you even get together with her!

From the Bible, the book of Genesis 2:20-25 says, "So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

You see, God created woman from the man for the man. Of course, not for his evil desires but to help him in every good way! Man and woman, it's one of the most marvelous creation God has ever created! Just imagine today if the world doesn't have any women, wouldn't it be weird? Yes it would be! And of course it goes vice versa: Without men on earth, it's going to be weird too!

The Bible talked about how a man will leave his parents and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Which means, both men and women will leave their parents, get married to one another and live together for the rest of their lives! God invented sex for both men and women so that they both will continue to bear offspring and live on this planet!

But... I really love her and she really loves me back, can't we have sex already?

Well, it's definitely a no that you can't have sex with the opposite sex, only if you're married to one another! You see, temporary physical hookups always leave at least one of the people involved feeling unsatisfied, insecure, hurt and vulnerable! That's not the case with God's design for a real relationship with someone of the opposite sex! How great is sex - that is, sex within marriage? Not only it is part of God's plan for experiencing true love, but it also keeps the human race going! And yes, God made it enjoyable too!

If you're going after that specific girl just for sex, then you had better forget it. Love is a commitment to one another, a commitment that goes beyond the physical looks! Love and sex isn't the same =)

God created women and invented sex for a good purpose, that we can treasure and cherish it when we get married to our life partner =)

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