Light Of The World!

Hello there, world! I'm Yong Zhen Kheng a.k.a King! I'm a 24 young man who has given my life to God! I face plenty of challenges and mountains daily, but it is by the grace of God that I'm able to stand tall with His strength in such a world that we live in. "Light Of The World!" is the name of my blog. Because in such a dark world that we live in, everyone is looking for that something somewhere somehow to fill and satisfy their souls. And that is where the Word of God comes in, where love and hope are always present and living. God is the Light of the world, and my prayer is that we will go beyond the call of duty to show love to the people around us with the love that He has shown us - That they may know just how real and amazing our God is! This is what we're here for: To show the world how He love it. This is what we're made for: To lay it all down like He did :) Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! And He has chosen us to be the Light of the world, so come let us share the Good News with the world together! (:
>> Sincerely, a man on many missions.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Something To Share To You.

Let me share with you something dear readers.

This is not something I aim to brag about, nor to talk about how great I was. In fact, these are written so that you will understand something.

I have been through near life and death situations. I have been through an operation which I had to stay awake the whole duration and suffer the immense pain. I have been through an ambush where people holding long 'parangs' which are blades which could have chopped right through me. I have been through situations where I really feel as if it was pointless to continue to live on. During that night where my friends and I were attacked by 'Mat Rempits' which are deadly merciless people, I wondered why was I the one who was not caught by them. Why did my friend had to be caught and get slashes on so many parts of his body. He had to go through all the stitching and I was just unhurt at all. And there it goes, I had another chance to live. During my operation, I could have been literally dead. I almost died, but yet I didn't. The doctors could have messed up during the operation because I was screaming and crying and trying to make my body get away from the operation bed. But there I was enduring the critical pain, as they use sharp tools to cut into my flesh and inserted a tube to extract my blood out. And there it goes, I had another chance to live.

Often at times, I ask myself, why did I had so many chances to live. I could have just died years ago, but I'm still here living. As I adjusted the angle of my view from the worldly things to God, I realized why. It ain't about how great I was, it ain't about how tough my body was at enduring all the hard conditions in my life. It wasn't even about accidents that gave me chances to live. No, it wasn't all that. It was this SPECIAL SOMEONE who told me that He will be by my side during all seasons which was GOD!!! He was there as I was on the surgery bed getting operated, He was looking at me and crying too and telling me "I've got good plans for you Kheng, I am gonna have to teach you something now, I hope you will learn it well and use it for your testimony." And here I am giving my testimonies for the world to read and believe that this God that I worship ain't fake, but instead it is FOR REAL! During the night when the 2 motorbikes arrived in front of my friends and I, they caught my friend but they pushed me to the ground and allowed me to fled away. It wasn't about the courage I had that made them left me, it wasn't about me being so powerful that they left me and slashed my friend. But, it was God's AMAZING GRACE that protected me from them.

Time to time I ask myself, what else is there left for me to do now? Why is He still keeping me here? What is the goal in my life after going through these traumatic experiences? And the Bible lets me know, it's doing HIS WORK! Not just studying and working and doing the things of this world. Everybody can do that of course, and many people have put their future into jeopardy because they have cared too much about the worldly things. My goodness, imagine if we could transform all our time that we invested into worldly things and make use of them to do HIS WORK!! That would be having the greatest point to live for in life, which is LIVING FOR GOD!! Jesus has died for us, He has completed the work and saved us from eternal destruction. During the JUDGEMENT DAY, many books will be opened and all of us, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US FROM THE LIVING TO THE DEAD WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO EVERY ACTIONS WE HAVE DONE DOWN BELOW EARTH!! Thinking of this, it makes me scared to know I have done many mistakes in my life and initiated many wrong actions in my life. I have messed up many things and I am a real dirty criminal. But I know at the end of the day, SOMEONE SPECIAL is waiting at the end of the road calling to me. The voice is saying "Hey you, get up and start walking again! You might have fallen down, and you probably fell hard in doing so. But just know one thing my child, you are very special to me, so don't give up on me as I have never and will never give up on you! I will be at the end of the road waiting for you! If you don't know which path to take in life to reach me at the end of the road, ask the Holy Spirit for He will guide you! Just allow me to come into your heart, let me heal you, I am gonna make you a great person from the inside out! Despite all the disadvantages and weaknessess and regardless of the mistakes you have made in life, I will accept you wherever you are! Come my child, walk the path of life and never regret a day as I will be by your side, keep walking to me! Wait as long as you can with the strength you have, I will return very soon =)" And this encourages me that no matter how bad life can be, yes life can just go away and your life can be gone in a flash. But if you're walking in the path of light, there is nothing to worry because HOPE is there for us my brothers and sisters!!

I encourage you to continue walk in the path of light! Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!!! HOLD ON THERE!!! Life is precious, and ETERNAL LIFE IS EVEN MORE PRECIOUS!! So stay strong and keep praying! Rely on the LORD in everything!! Even when it comes to work, studies, business or even family, let GOD be the head!! It's not a 100% easy road, but it's definitely the best road to take in a world of ours!! Heads up, chin up, and walk directly towards God's paths! You can do it with the help of Christ who strengthens you which is the help of the Holy Spirit!! =)

Good night dear readers, have a nice day and remember to PRAY ALWAYS =)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Encouragement Heading Your Way! =)

Hello dear readers! I have several things to share with you! And it's all from the Bible! =)

Have you read Acts 7:54-8:1? It is the part where Stephen was brutally beaten by the high priests and all the other high ranking people, for God! Stephen was a real brave man, knowing that saying something about God may cause him his life, he still took that opportunity to get his point to them!

(Now, If you read Acts 8:1, it writes "And Saul was there, giving approval to his death." Wait a minute and hold on a second! This "Saul" character mentioned here helped kill Stephen! What happened!? Well, Saul was a real scary person! For he would go to other countries to persecute Christians! And he's really good at doing it! However, Saul later changed his name and cleaned up his act, thanks to a run-in with the resurrected Jesus! You probably know him better as Paul, the guy who wrote most of the New Testament! This means that no matter how bad you screwed up in your life, or how bad you messed things up, God gives you a restart! And you can count on that!) =)

Continuing from Acts 8:1-4, it tells that the churches at Jerusalem were persecuted and they scattered everywhere!

(To be honest, it looks like something real bad and nasty happened there! People were getting prisoned, and churches were being destroyed! You might think that this part of the story is really bad and nasty, and nothing good is happening! You might even wonder if God is even controlling the situation? However, here's something to think about! Here's an example of how God can make something good from something bad! The "bad" in this case is the persecution that the Christians in Jerusalem endured! They were going through a real tough time at this point of time, all for God! The amazing thing is that it scattered believers everywhere, spreading the Good News and starting new churches all over the ancient world!) =)

Now, from Acts 8:4-25, it is the story where a boastful sorcerer named Simon, got attracted to the power of God! Before he saw God's power, he was doing magic tricks, and making people think that he is a god! People were in awe with his magical tricks, but not for long! When Philip came along proclaiming the message of Jesus and authenticating his message with spectacular healings and mind-blowing exorcisms, Simon could only watch in amazement! Simon's powers and tricks, which were no doubt demonic in origin, was actually pretty impressive, but nothing compared to what Philip was doing! In fact, when Simon saw evidence of God's power in Philip, he confessed faith in Jesus! And guess what? Simon actually offered money to Peter, so that he could have the same ability!

(One thing that Simon learned from the apostle Peter, is that God's power is NOT FOR SALE! It cannot be bought even with gold or the riches of this world! In fact, it is a gift! A gift given to those whose hearts are made right by God! Simon also learned that Christian ministry is not about being flashy and BIG, making a name for yourself and getting rich off the crowds! Nope! The real purpose of God's ministry is to glorify God, specifically through the changed lives of people who come ot know Him! Whenever you see "Christian" ministers who play to the crowd, always talking about money, preaching or singing in showy ways and drawing undue attentions to themselves, you can be sure that you are watching something that does not honor God!) =)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Encouragement Continues! =)

Dear readers, I'm back with more stuffs to share! Allow me to begin my sharing!

From the book of Acts 4:1-4, it writes "The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. They seized Peter and John, and because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand."
(What just happened!? Peter and John were courageously speaking to the crowd about Jesus and how he was resurrected from the dead, and there came a bunch of high ranking people who just threw them into jail! What was going on in Peter and John's mind!? Why would they risk their lives for something like that! Well, that's because they were TAKING RISKS FOR GOD! Peter and John knew the Jewish religious leaders were out to nail them! They knew that talking to people about Jesus could get them arrested, or worse! They knew the risks, but they also knew the potential payoff! So they gambled...... and came up BIG! Yes, they were arrested, but not before introducing 2000 more people to Jesus! What are the risks you face in talking to people at school and in your neighbourhood about Jesus? What's the potential payoff? Are you willing to put your own life on the line for Jesus? For those in Malaysia, there is a law that states whoever who tries to preach or tell the Muslims about Jesus could get jailed, sentenced to death or even kicked out of the country! Here's my advice, since there is a need to share the Good News to the Muslims and there is a barrier in the middle, instead of preaching straight in the face, try sharing about your life, how it has become better and what made it better! Ask and pray to the Lord to open doors and give opportunities for you as you make your way saving your friends from eternal destruction! The Lord will definitely guide you on this!) =)

Escalating to Acts 4:13, it says "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
(What does this tells you? Well, Peter and John never had a Diploma in Preaching or Degree in Encouraging! Neither did they had any professional classes! They were just normal people, not even from a rich family! Does this means that God doesn't only pick important people, but also ordinary men and women? Oh yes that's right! One of the most popular excuses for not talking to people about Jesus is, "I'm just a regular guy; I don't know about theological stuff." But Peter and John were "regular guys." That's what made their ministry so incredible! Only God could have empowered them to speak, heal and minister the way they did! So it doesn't matter what background you came from or how normal you think you are like everybody else! God might just use anything you have if you would allow him! You've just gotta ask Him!) =)

Let us now climb to Acts 4:32-35, it writes "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyoned as he had need."
(One thing they say about sharing, is that sharing is caring! And yes that is absolutely true! When we share something, we care for something or someone! Based on the verses, it writes that even those who owned lands sold the land, took the money from sales and gave it to church! Now that is something we should think about! Most people think that they should keep all the money to themselves! But we should think of the needy and the poor! Perhaps by contributing a portion of money to the church, you might just save some kids starving of hunger and water! Do you think an arrangement like this could work in your church today? What kind of message do you think it would send to your community if your church made sure everyone's needs were met? What could you do to help make it possible? Many things have changed in the past 2000 years, but God's heart isn't one of them! The Lord still expects His people, all of them, not just the rich to take care of the poor and needy! If you wanna do something with the money you have for God but you don't know where to invest it in, try giving it to the church! You might just as well save lives!) =)

Did you read the story about Ananias and Sapphira? Where they died immediately after lying to the church that they were giving the full sum of money they sold for the house, when in fact they were actually keeping a portion of them! If you haven't, do read Acts 5:1-11 to understand what really happened!
(This sobering story raises a couple of questions. The first is this: What prompts us to do the things we do? Why do we act in certain ways? Why do we not act in other ways? The answer is MOTIVES! We all have them! Those deep, secret desires that influence us! We long internally for security or respect or power or popularity! And so we adjust our lives externally! However, we need to be very careful in this area! MOTIVES MATTER! God takes deception, dishonesty and pride VERY SERIOUSLY! Especially among His own people! The fact is, if our souls hunger for the wrong things, we will engage in wrong acts! We must guard our hearts! As it is said in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." The second question is this: How should we respond when other Christians willfully engage in wrong acts? As men and women of God, we must be willing to step forward and confront others! Unlike the apostle Peter, we don't have the authority or power to pronounce a judgement of death on someone; however, we do have the responsibility to hold our friends accountable! We should never be cocky or self-righteous, but we must humbly look out for others!) =)

Let us move on to Acts 5:41-42, it says "The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the Good News that Jesus is the Christ."
(Now hold on there! Did you realized what the verses began with? They were rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name! Wow! Isn't that just spectacular!? Peter and John were the original "Jesus freaks." They were proud of the fact that their faith cost them something! If they had to take a beating for Jesus, they were happy to do it, anything to show their love for Him! If you're wondering what Christian manhood looks like, just remember Peter and John! They're the people who just won't give up in telling the Good News!) =)

Have you read the story about Caiaphas and Stephen? If you haven't read it yet, read Acts 6:8-7:60!
(This is a classic good guy VS. bad guy match-up! If you just look at the surface of the story, Stephen was the clear loser of the bout, squashed like a bug by the powerful Caiaphas! To those who can see beyond the surface, however, Stephen was the victor! He was received into heaven by Christ Himself! The man whose name means "crown" received the ULTIMATE CROWN which is ETERNAL LIFE with Jesus! He was full of faith, grace, power, wisdom, courage and love! And Caiaphas? He was just full of himself!) =)

Going on to Acts 7:2-53, this is the part where Stephen gets his point to the Jewish religious leaders! Now if you read closely, Stephen knew the secret to getting his point across was to find a way to capture people's attention! And yes that was exactly what he did! That's why he mentioned Abraham, Joseph and Moses, three of the most beloved people in Jewish history! Stephen knew the Jewish religious leaders would listen to any argument based on Jewish history, so he used that in his talk about Jesus! Learn from Stephen's example! Before you share your faith with someone, think about the things the person is really into! Whether it's sports, music, video games or something else! Use those interests as a mirror and spring board for talking about Jesus! It will surely help alot!) =)

Finally, I just want to share a Bible verse that a friend of mine named Miss Cassie has shared with me just a moment ago! This verse made a huge impact on her, and I decided to share it to you dear readers! From Isaiah 40:8, it writes "Grass may wither and flowers fade, but the Word of God will last forever." And O'yeah that's totally true! If it made an impact to her life, it surely will to yours! =)

Well, I pray and hope that at least one of the things has encouraged and reminded you what's important in life right now! Studies, work, exercise, family and all the other things are important, but what's more important is to read the word of God and bring people to Christ! That's what were were called here for anyway! =) Have a great and blessed day, good night! =)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Encouragement To You Dear Readers! =)

Hi readers! It has been awhile since I have written anything on this blog, and here I am back again! This reminds me to share with you, that Jesus is gone for awhile and will be back in no time! So get yourself ready and hurry to the people who needs to know God and let them know how important knowing God is! Huff puff!

I wanna encourage you readers, that life is really meaningful, only if your focus is in God of course! =) The Bible says from John 4:13-14 "Jesus told the Samaritan woman, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.' " And O'Yes that's superbly true! You will never feel that emptiness inside of you when you live in God's eyes! :D

Let me start with the book of Acts, I was reading the book of Acts and there were a multitude of eye-opener for me, allow me to share it with you dear readers! =)

Do you know what the story of Jesus would be for all the people who thinks it's false? To them, they think it's a story, or perhaps it's a fairy-tale! To some of them, it would be like a great story once written by a great writer! And to others, they think it's some boring old story where we can learn lots of stuffs from! HOWEVER, the story of Jesus is REAL!! And the Bible records all the historical evidence of it! From Acts 1:3, it says "After Jesus' suffering, He showed Himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God." So based on this verse, at one point of time back in history, many people ACTUALLY SAW HIM!! And everything was so real! But how did something so real became a false story to other people? The answer is because most of them have refused to open their eyes to see! Most of them ignored the Bible, thinking that it's dangerous, and some people are led astray by other people who dislikes Christians! So ask yourself, what are the things you can do to help people know who our Christ Jesus really is! Will they believe if you told them? How would you do it? By proving it with the Bible! As for the verse Acts 1:3, this is one of several appearances of Jesus after His resurrection. More than 500 people saw Him in person after His death! God doesn't just expect us to believe some obscure, 2000-year old story; He gave us historical evidence to prove the story true! =)

Moving on to Acts 1:7, it says "Jesus said to them: 'It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.' "
(Now what does this verse tells you? It tells that Jesus' Return is totally unexpected by everybody in this world! He will come like a thief in the night! People have been talking about Jesus' return (and the end of the world) since the day He left for heaven! At least a thousands of predictions have past! The fact is, though, no one knows the exact date when He's coming back! That's why it's a good idea to make sure that you're always ready for His return!) =)

Do you remember Peter? The guy who denied Jesus 3 times when He knew who Jesus was all along? Yup! He's that guy I'm gonna talk about! In the book of Acts 2:14, it writes "Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: 'Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say.' "
(Isn't that amazing!? A few weeks earlier, Peter denied Jesus 3 times! And now He's standing in front of a large group, preaching the Good News about him! What changed Him? Jesus' Holy Spirit of course! That same Spirit can give you the kind of courage God gave Peter...... if you will ask!) =)

Elevating to Acts 2:37, it says "When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?' "
(Check out the way people responded to Peter's message! It's like something clicked inside them, and they suddenly realized how much they needed Jesus! Can you imagine anyone you know responding like that? You might be surprised how many people have the same kind of hunger, without even knowing it! They have no idea how much they need to hear about Jesus! Your words just might click with them and turn their hearts toward God! Be it long or short! Give it a try!) =)

From Acts 3:6, it says "Then Peter said, 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.' "
(Do you believe that you have direct access to Jesus' power? Do you live like you believe it? For instance, when you hear that someone is sick, do you pray for that person? Do you expect your prayers to make an actual difference in that person's life? Never ever underestimate the power of prayer!) =)

Well, here I have written for tonight, but I will be back to encourage you more!

Have a great and blessed day to you dear readers! May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all, in Jesus' Name, Amen! =)