Light Of The World!

Hello there, world! I'm Yong Zhen Kheng a.k.a King! I'm a 24 young man who has given my life to God! I face plenty of challenges and mountains daily, but it is by the grace of God that I'm able to stand tall with His strength in such a world that we live in. "Light Of The World!" is the name of my blog. Because in such a dark world that we live in, everyone is looking for that something somewhere somehow to fill and satisfy their souls. And that is where the Word of God comes in, where love and hope are always present and living. God is the Light of the world, and my prayer is that we will go beyond the call of duty to show love to the people around us with the love that He has shown us - That they may know just how real and amazing our God is! This is what we're here for: To show the world how He love it. This is what we're made for: To lay it all down like He did :) Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! And He has chosen us to be the Light of the world, so come let us share the Good News with the world together! (:
>> Sincerely, a man on many missions.

Monday, May 26, 2014

I choose Jesus, the One who first chose me

God searches our hearts.
He knows the ones that honors Him, and the ones that takes His grace for granted
He knows the ones that are hurting, and the ones that are rejoicing.
He knows the ones that are pursuing righteousness, and those dwelling in sin.

When life doesn't go the way we thought it should go
When plans fall apart even though we never dream they would fall apart
Sometimes it's because - God is good

We have so many plans in life.
And we have already asked God to guide and lead us through all these plans of ours.
Some of us have seen many of these plans forming the way we'd like them to be.
And then there are the plans that are close to our hearts.
The ones that we treasure a lot and and gave so much heart towards
But somehow things seems to be falling apart.


Where is God in all these?

I believe God wants us to have a new perspective this year.
See, we have already asked God to guide and lead us everyday.
And if He leads you to something beautiful,
and then leads you away from that something beautiful.

Isn't He still leading you?

Isn't He still the one that has been, still is and will always open doors for you?
Our God is a promise maker, and a promise keeper
He is the most faithful person you will ever find in the entire universe
And when He says He's got good plans for you,

You may often feel disappointed, hurt, in confusion
and you may have a million of questions to ask God.

But know this:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
[Isaiah 55:8-9]

We may never understand His plan at this moment, but I believe someday down the road when you look back at this day you're going to realize He's been leading you all these while. He's been giving you the best instead of second best.

God is with us!
The Lord is fighting the battles for us!
So whom shall we fear?!
The One who created the ENTIRE WORLD - Thought and created you for a purpose.
So let's stand unashamed with confidence and humility, trusting in One Name
Cause we all here have seen the cross and we believe in the power of the Cross.
This choice comes at a cost, so count all other things as lost
No other love could mean so much to us

I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus
Because He chose me first

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
[Psalm 34:18]

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
[Psalm 139:23-24]

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
[Proverbs 3:5-6]

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
[Jeremiah 29:13]

"Blessed are those who hear the Word of the Lord and obey it"
[Luke 11:28]