Light Of The World!

Hello there, world! I'm Yong Zhen Kheng a.k.a King! I'm a 24 young man who has given my life to God! I face plenty of challenges and mountains daily, but it is by the grace of God that I'm able to stand tall with His strength in such a world that we live in. "Light Of The World!" is the name of my blog. Because in such a dark world that we live in, everyone is looking for that something somewhere somehow to fill and satisfy their souls. And that is where the Word of God comes in, where love and hope are always present and living. God is the Light of the world, and my prayer is that we will go beyond the call of duty to show love to the people around us with the love that He has shown us - That they may know just how real and amazing our God is! This is what we're here for: To show the world how He love it. This is what we're made for: To lay it all down like He did :) Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! And He has chosen us to be the Light of the world, so come let us share the Good News with the world together! (:
>> Sincerely, a man on many missions.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last 2 Fridays on the 10th of May 2013,
I experienced yet another near-death experience.
It was a very hot afternoon and I was on my bicycle
making my way back to my office in a residential area right after lunch.
Ahead of me was a right turn, but I had no vision of the other side of the turn.
Without hesitation, I cycled at an average speed and turned right.
Within a glimpse of an eye I see a car speeding directly at my way.
It was moving so quickly that my body froze for a few seconds.

There was only one thing that was going through my mind:
"I'm dead."
Based on both our speed, there was no way I would survive.
Turning right would result in me hitting a car,
And turning left would result in me getting hit by the car sideways.
It was a definite collision and I should be flying sky high with my bike.
But miraculously, he stepped on his brake pedal hard and so did I.
We stopped right on the dot and had a head-to-head collision.
I held on to my bike tightly with my hands as it jumped a little on impact.
My heart was beating so fast I couldn't even say a word.

The driver came down, touched his car, swore at me and drove away.
I didn't respond to him, but just try to get my mind around what just happened.
My bicycle chain was all tangled up and I had to bring it to the workshop.
At the end of the day, a friend of mine fetched me home with my bike in the car.

After a few days, I got over it.
It was just a normal mini-accident where I didn't get hurt.
On the following Sunday, I attended a basketball court to record videos.
When the game was over, I had a conversation with one of the players.
After sharing with him my incident about the accident,
He wanted to know more about me.
So I also shared with him my past near-death experiences that I have gone through.
After listening to my stories, he looked really surprised.
He told me I must have a purpose here in life;
That if I were to survive so many times in life, that's not normal.

People who gone through one near-death experience change a lot.
So I thought hard about my major past experiences:
I was the victim of a robbery,
I went through an operation consciously and awake with no pain-killers,
I almost got hit by a truck on the road once,
And now the bicycle incident that almost costed me my life.
I was sure and concluded: that if my life didn't go away just yet;
God must be holding me and telling me through all these experiences:
That He has something great stored for me in my upcoming future!

I know that regardless of what comes my way,
I can walk ahead confidently; Because He's got my back.

So let this be an encouragement for you:
"To appreciate, cherish and treasure every moment of your life"
And always hold on to God (:

- We all have a purpose in life -

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