Light Of The World!

Hello there, world! I'm Yong Zhen Kheng a.k.a King! I'm a 24 young man who has given my life to God! I face plenty of challenges and mountains daily, but it is by the grace of God that I'm able to stand tall with His strength in such a world that we live in. "Light Of The World!" is the name of my blog. Because in such a dark world that we live in, everyone is looking for that something somewhere somehow to fill and satisfy their souls. And that is where the Word of God comes in, where love and hope are always present and living. God is the Light of the world, and my prayer is that we will go beyond the call of duty to show love to the people around us with the love that He has shown us - That they may know just how real and amazing our God is! This is what we're here for: To show the world how He love it. This is what we're made for: To lay it all down like He did :) Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven and earth, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God! And He has chosen us to be the Light of the world, so come let us share the Good News with the world together! (:
>> Sincerely, a man on many missions.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Stand Up And Walk Again!

Dear readers, I want to encourage and share with you.

I have been hiding all these while, from all my past failures and mistakes as well as my weaknesses and disadvantages. I have been walking on a rather dark road in my life as I look for some light. All the challenges and tests that I struggle, all the obstacles and mountains that I have to climb, it all seems so huge like it's going to crush me down into a million pieces.

I had a dream a while ago, in my dream, I dreamt about:
"Jesus was riding his golden chariot with fire down the blue clouds, and I was not saved in my dreams."
And after a few days my second older brother, Joseph dreamt about me, he dreamt that:
"I was melting, I was literally dying as I melt..." The way I died was so horrible that it woke him up and he was screaming out loudly because the nightmare was so terrible.

I know it's me, I know somehow there is something going on in my life, trying to stop me from reaching my goal to Jesus, and that is satan! How dreadful satan's lies can be, he will do anything to distract me from entering the kingdom of heaven.

In addition, I have been silently crying over an issue which disappeared into thin air so suddenly. In my mind, I kept thinking what went wrong, but nothing was ever discussed between us. Many times I feel like giving it all up, but God does not want me to give it up. He tells me to stand up and walk with Him, to be proud of what He has done, and not let the things of this world distract me from accomplishing His will in my life. Yes I have cried a million times in my life over many things, sometimes I would cry a litre of tears over an issue and conflict in my life. However, I know it's not the end, I give Him the final say.

All I have to do is get back on track with Him, and obey every single words written in the Bible by Him. I also have to witness to the people who does not know who He really is, before it's too late.

Allow me to encourage you to stay strong in the Lord. If you are struggling with any issues in life, know that there are millions of people in the world struggling too. If people persecute you for the faith you have in Jesus Christ, know that they persecuted our Lord Jesus Christ first. Do not be afraid of the world, they can only do you so much pain here. Just hold on a little longer, He'll be back soon =)

At some point of your life, you're going to feel like God is not there. It will seem like God is not answering your prayer nor talking to you, but remember that He will never forsake you. He will never pile up your plate with too much things that you can't handle, He is a loving and graceful God. And He wants the best for you! Sometimes He will bend your plan and adjust your path a little, it might be hurting and painful at a moment of time, but you'll thank Him later when you see what He's doing in your life! We have the greatest privilege in knowing Him, let us share it to the world together my dear brothers and sisters! =)

Farewell to you dear reader, and God bless you.

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